What’s Going on With EVs?

Alexander Boulden

Posted December 13, 2023

Dear Reader,

As you may already know, our business operates out of beautiful Baltimore, Maryland.

It’s the city I’ve called home for the last eight or so years.

We’re situated in the heart of the city’s financial district, so there’s a lot of foot traffic and interesting cars that role through.

We’re across from a swanky hotel with a valet service, and sometimes we even get to see some super cars parked outside.

Here’s a classic VW bus.


And an absolutely insane BMW…


But here’s where things get interesting…

This is a Polestar…


Polestar is a Swedish EV maker that you’ve probably either never heard of or forgotten about.

This is the only one I’ve ever seen in person.

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Or what about this Volvo EV?


Pretty slick, huh?

But the one that takes the cake is this Rivian SUV…


Whenever I see a Rivian, I’m floored.


Because the starting price is $80,000!

Yep, you read that right.

I don’t know about you, but if I’m spending $80,000 on a vehicle, it better be a Porsche.

It makes me wonder why so many people are shelling out the big bucks to get into an EV at these current prices.

Could it be good marketing?

Right now there’s a lot of evidence that the EV market is imploding.

Take news out of Ford this week.

The stalwart automaker announced that it’s halving production of its much-anticipated F-150 Lightning EV truck from 3,200 units a week to just 1,600. Still, that’s a lot of trucks. According to Automotive News, “The news comes amid an industry-wide pullback in EV investment due to slower-than-expected sales growth.”

And Tesla has come under fire this week as well for its spotty autopilot system. The Washington Post ran an article titled, “Tesla Drivers Run Autopilot Where It’s Not Intended — With Deadly Consequences.”

But despite the bad news, EV demand isn’t actually slowing down.

According to The New York Times, “Electric vehicle sales are growing faster than any other major category of automobile, and Americans will buy more than 1 million of them this year, a record. From July through September, battery-powered cars accounted for 8% of the new cars sold in the United States, up from 6% a year earlier.”

Maybe that marketing really is paying off…

The Importance of Marketing

Marketing is arguably the single most important part of selling a product.

Entire agencies work day and night, devoted solely to this one thing.

Make the consumer feel something so good that they can’t wait to give up their hard-earned money…

As Don Draper said in Mad Men, “Advertising is based on one thing: happiness. And you know what happiness is? Happiness is the smell of a new car. It’s freedom from fear. It’s a billboard on the side of the road that screams with reassurance that whatever you’re doing, it’s OK. You are OK.”

Create a feeling of nostalgia and people will line up around the block for your product.

It’s how Apple became the first trillion-dollar company.

It’s also how crypto exchange FTX effectively stole billions of dollars from investors…

Because nothing’s better at creating feelings of happiness than nostalgia.

Going back to Baltimore for a second, just look at National Bohemian Beer.

Called Natty Boh by the locals, it’s been Baltimore’s beer since 1885. Once brewed by National Brewing Company, Natty Boh has a rich advertising history. In fact, it was the first beer to be sold in six-packs. Yes, you can thank Natty Boh for that crucial invention. It also used the genius marketing campaign of a mascot and slogan. In 1936, National Brewing president Arthur Deute introduced the iconic one-eyed, mustached mascot “Mr. Boh.”

In 1958, National president Jerold Hoffberger, who also owned the Baltimore Orioles at the time, penned the slogan “From the Land of Pleasant Living,” giving every Marylander and Baltimorean a feeling of nostalgia. The marketing was so successful that even today, 90% of Natty Boh is consumed in Maryland even though it’s no longer produced here. The company was bought by Pabst Blue Ribbon in 2000 after it went under, but we’ve still got Mr. Boh to look over our city.

But the best part about Natty Boh was that the bottles used to come with a type of puzzle under the bottle cap called a rebus puzzle. 

PBR has since discontinued the rebus puzzles, much to our dismay, but sometimes you would get a puzzle that you just couldn’t figure out for the life of you. So you’d ask friends or even strangers to help you out. The puzzles brought people together.

A Hope for the Future

Maybe that’s what the EV crowd is hoping for…

To sit for hours at your charging station, shooting the breeze with another sucker who spent nearly $100,000 on their EV.

To each his own…

As for me, I’d rather sit back, have a Natty Both, and get paid every time someone charges their EV.


It’s easy.

There’s a simple way to skim “free” money off the top every time someone charges their electric vehicle.

It’s not some scalping scam…

In fact, this income opportunity has already landed in your ZIP code.

And as a law-abiding citizen…

You can grab a slice of the $563 million in profits that will be shared with everyday Americans starting DECEMBER 18.

That’s just a few days away.

To get in on the action, all you have to do is stake a claim in the special companies that are distributing the cash.

Here’s everything you need to do to collect up to $2,850 per month in easy, passive income.

So don’t wait around any longer.

Instead of paying $80,000 for a new EV, why not make money while others charge theirs?

Stay frosty,

Alexander Boulden
Editor, Wealth Daily

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After Alexander’s passion for economics and investing drew him to one of the largest financial publishers in the world, where he rubbed elbows with former Chicago Board Options Exchange floor traders, Wall Street hedge fund managers, and International Monetary Fund analysts, he decided to take up the pen and guide others through this new age of investing.

Alexander is the investment director of Insider Stakeout — a weekly investment advisory service dedicated to tracking the smartest money on the planet so that his readers can achieve life-altering, market-beating returns. He also serves at the managing editor for R.I.C.H. Report, a comprehensive service that uses the highest-quality investment research and strategies that guides its members in growing their wealth on top of preserving it.

Check out his editor’s page here.

Want to hear more from Alexander? Sign up to receive emails directly from him ranging from market commentaries to opportunities that he has his eye on. 

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